In China, the malignant tumor with the highest incidence and motality is lung cancer (LC). As screening and early detection and treatment are effective in reducing LC mortality, formulating a guideline in line with China's national conditions for the screening and early detection and treatment of LC will greatly promote the homogeneity and accuracy of LC screening, and result in an improvement of the effectiveness of LC screening. Commissioned and directed by the Disease Prevention and Control Bureau of the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China, the guidline was initiated by the National Cancer Center of China and formulated with joint effort by experts from different disciplines. Following the principles and methods in WHO Handbook for Guideline Development, the guidline integrates the latest development in LC screening and early diagnosis and treatment worldwide while fully considering China's national conditions and practical experience in LC screening. It provides detailed evidence-based recommendations for different aspects of LC screening, such as the targeted population, the technologies and the procedures, to regulate the practices of LC screening and early diagnosis and treatment and enhance the effectiveness of the prevention and control of LC in China.