Complete histopathologic tumor regression after neoadjuvant treatment is a well-known prognostic factor for survival among patients with adenocarcinomas of the esophagus and gastroesophageal junction. The aim of this international Delphi survey was to reach a consensus regarding the most useful tumor regression grading (TRG) system that could represent an international standard for histopathologic TRG grading of gastroesophageal carcinomas. Fifteen pathologists with special interest in esophageal and gastric pathology participated in the online survey. The initial questionnaire contained of 43 statements that addressed the following topics: (1) specimen processing, (2) gross examination, (3) cross sectioning, (4) staining, (5) Barrett's esophagus, (6) TRG systems, and (7) TRG in lymph node (LN). Participants rated the items using a 5-point Likert style scale and were encouraged to write comments for each statement. The expert panel recommended a 4-tiered TRG system for assessing the primary tumor: grade 1: No residual tumor (complete histopathologic tumor regression), grade 2: less than 10% residual tumor (near-complete regression), grade 3: 10%-50% residual tumor (partial regression), grade 4: greater than 50% residual tumor (minimal/no regression), combined with a 3-tiered system for grading therapeutic response in metastatic LNs: grade a: no residual tumor (complete histopathologic TRG), grade b: partial regression (tumor cells and regression), grade c: no regression (no sign of tumor response). This TRG grading system can be recommended as an international standard for