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Management of the Nodal Disease in Vulvar Cancers. the ESGO Guidelines

原文:2020年 发布于 Bulletin du Cancer 107卷 第6期 715-720 浏览量:490 原文链接

The European Society of Gynaecologic Oncology (ESGO) guidelines cover the whole field of common clinical situations in gynecologic oncology. Their elaboration follows a strict process including a systematic review of the literature, the setting up of a group of expert on the basis of scientific production, geographical balance, and multidisciplinarity, and an external review by users and patients. The recommendations for the management of vulvar cancer were elaborated in 2015 and published in 2017. They are available in open access on the ESGO website, and can be incorporated in clinical practice using the free ESGO guidelines smartphone application. This review is a selection of the sections addressing the diagnostic and strategical aspects of the management of lymph nodal disease in vulvar cancer. An additional review of the recent literature published since 2015 has been carried out. The management of nodal disease in vulvar cancer encompasses a diagnostic and a therapeutic component. Clinical and imaging assessment still play a major role, whilst the identification of the sentinel node is currently a mainstay of assessment of the nodal status in early vulvar cancer. The therapeutic component is based on the rational use of full lymph node dissection and (chemo)radiation.