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Special Considerations in the Management of Adult Patients with Acute Leukaemias and Myeloid Neoplasms in the COVID-19 Era: Recommendations from a Panel of International Experts

原文:2020年 发布于 Lancet Haematol 7卷 第8期 e601-e612 浏览量:400 原文链接


归属分类: 所属人体系统: 循环 | 分类: 骨髓瘤

关键词: Acute Leukaemias Myeloid Neoplasms Management COVID-19 Recommendations


The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 is a global public health crisis. Multiple observations indicate poorer post-infection outcomes for patients with cancer than for the general population. Herein, we highlight the challenges in caring for patients with acute leukaemias and myeloid neoplasms amid the COVID-19 pandemic. We summarise key changes related to service allocation, clinical and supportive care, clinical trial participation, and ethical considerations regarding the use of lifesaving measures for these patients. We recognise that these recommendations might be more applicable to high-income countries and might not be generalisable because of regional differences in health-care infrastructure, individual circumstances, and a complex and highly fluid health-care environment. Despite these limitations, we aim to provide a general framework for the care of patients with acute leukaemias and myeloid neoplasms during the COVID-19 pandemic on the basis of recommendations from international experts.