medical guideline

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Guideline-based Care for Patients with Malignant Lesions: the New S3 Guideline for Patients with Incurable Cancer

原文:2020年 发布于 Onkologe 26卷 第7期 642 - 653 浏览量:360 原文链接

The German Association of Palliative Care developed an evidence-based guideline about the management of malignant wounds in adult patients with incurable cancer. There is a lack of evidence-based guidelines about fungating wounds and a confusing wide range of available wound dressings. The goal of the guideline is to reduce the suffering of patients with malignant wounds and stabilize or improve their quality of life. The guideline is constructed following the German Instrument for Methodological Guideline Appraisal (DELBI): A systematic review was carried out for guidelines and reviews. A wound expert group discussed these research findings and suggested recommendations which were adapted and consented by representatives of 62 medical and health professionals associations. The guideline has 34 recommendations, thereof nine (26%) are evidence based with an evidence level from 2+ to 4 (according to SIGN). The assessment chapter comprises specific assessment tools for malignant wounds, odor and wound-related quality of life. Three recommendations address the psychosocial support of patients and their family caregivers and aim to reduce the impact of the wound on their emotional wellbeing, caregiver burden and social participation. The pain recommendations focus on a preventive atraumatic dressing change, positioning, systemic pain medication (anticipated, rescue and baseline) and local application of morphine or local anesthetics. The guideline gives recommendations on odor management (metronidazole, active coal and antiseptic dressings) and management of exudate (super absorber). The recommendations on prevention and management of bleeding (antifibrinolytica, haemostyptica) are vital for patients and caregivers. This guideline is one of the first evidence-based and consented guideline on malignant wound care and has the potential to improve the palliation of patients who suffer from there malignant wounds.