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Palliative Care

原文:2021年 发布于 National Comprehensive Cancer Network 浏览量:432 原文链接

作者: National Comprehensive Cancer Network

归属分类: 所属人体系统: 其他 | 分类: 治疗方案

关键词: Palliative Care definition symptopm support


Palliative care is an approach to patient/family/caregiver-centered health care that focuses on optimal management of distressing symptoms, while incorporating psychosocial and spiritual care according to patient/family/caregiver needs, values, beliefs, and cultures. The goal of palliative care is to anticipate, prevent, and reduce suffering;promote adaptive coping; and support the best possible quality of life for patients/families/caregivers, regardless of the stage of the disease or the need for other therapies. Palliative care can begin at diagnosis; be delivered concurrently with disease-directed, life-prolonging therapies; and facilitate patient autonomy, access to information, and choice. Palliative care becomes the main focus of care when disease-directed, life-prolonging therapies are no longer effective, appropriate, or desired. Palliative care should be provided by the primary oncology team and augmented as needed by collaboration with an interprofessional team of palliative care expert