medical guideline

Structured Reporting in Oncologic Hybrid Imaging: a Consensus Recommendation

原文:2020年 发布于 Rofo 192卷 第8期 739-744 浏览量:400 原文链接

Since the clinical introduction of PET/CT in the year of 2001 and PET/MRI in the year of 2010, hybrid imaging-guided precision medicine has become an important component of diagnostic algorithms in oncology. The written report represents the primary mode of communication between the referring physician and both the nuclear medicine physician and the radiologist. Reports have considerable impact on patient management and patient outcome, and serve as a legal documentation of the services provided and the expert impression of the interpreting physician. A high-quality hybrid imaging study should result in a likewise high-quality, structured written report which satisfactorily answers the clinical question of the referring physician. In this manuscript, consensus recommendations for structure and content of oncologic hybrid imaging reports and conclusive impressions are provided. Moreover, exemplary structured reports are provided. The recommendations for structured reporting provided in this document should foster further standardization and harmonization of oncologic reports in the context of hybrid imaging. They should also simplify communication with referring physicians and support both acceptance and appreciation of the clinical value of oncologic hybrid imaging.