medical guideline

SEOM Clinical Guideline for Secondary Prevention (2019)

原文:2020年 发布于 Clin Transl Oncol 22卷 第2期 187-192 浏览量:501 原文链接

作者: Spanish Society of Medical Oncology

归属分类: 所属人体系统: 其他 | 分类: 预防和筛查

关键词: Cancer Early Diagnosis SEOM Secondary Prevention.


Cancer is one of the major public health problems in our society. It is estimated that more than 18 million new cases are diagnosed worldwide every year; 280,000 in Spain. Incidence in following a growing trend. This epidemic could be controlled with research into new treatments and, above all, with adequate prevention. Primary prevention could prevent avoid up to half of all cases. For many others, secondary prevention is essential, as it make diagnosis possible in the stages of the disease when it is easily curable. These guidelines present the scientific evidence regarding secondary prevention in tumors in which its use is well-accepted: breast, cervical, colorectal, prostate, lung, ovarian, melanoma, and gastric cancer.