medical guideline

Consensus on Resectability in N3 Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas: GETTEC Recommendations

原文:2020年 发布于 Oral Oncol 浏览量:341 原文链接

Background: Among patients with T0-2 N3 head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC), those undergoing upfront neck dissection have better oncological outcomes. However, there is no consensual definition of disease resectability of N3 nodes, leading to major treatment attrition and interpretation biases between studies. We established a Delphi method-based consensus to define resectability and impact on decision-making for upfront neck dissection in N3 patients.

Methods: The Delphi method was designed as recommended by the French Haute Autorite de Sante among head and neck surgeons from university hospitals and cancer centers, using a 24-item questionnaire. Strong and relative agreements were subsequently established, and recommendations were written. The resulting recommendations were assessed by 30 independent surgeons.

Results: N3 nodes with intraparenchymal brain invasion, foramen invasion, skull base erosion, nodes requiring bilateral XIIth cranial nerve sacrifice, retropharyngeal N3 node or a node above the plan of soft palate are major contraindications to neck dissection. When neck dissection requires unilateral sacrifice of the IXth or Xth or XIIth cranial nerves or cervical nerve roots, upfront neck dissection may be performed, based on a case-by-case assessment of other patient and tumor estimates.

Conclusion: Consensual contraindications to neck dissection in patients with T0-2 N3 HNSCC were defined among French head and neck surgeons as concerns skull base invasion, retropharyngeal nodes and bilateral XIIth cranial nerve sacrifice. This consensus should allow more reliable comparisons between surgical and non-surgical strategies in N3 patients.