medical guideline

Gliomatosis Cerebri: a Consensus Summary Report from the Second International Gliomatosis Cerebri Group Meeting, June 22-23, 2017, Bethesda, USA

原文:2018年 发布于 J Neurooncol 140卷 第1期 1-4 浏览量:397 原文链接

Gliomatosis cerebri (GC) is an aggressive glioma characterized by an invasive growth pattern and a dismal prognosis. The low incidence and non-specific symptoms at presentation pose unique challenges for early diagnosis and disease-specific research. There is no standard of care for the treatment of patients with a GC phenotype. Understanding the biology of this entity is a critical step in determining effective treatments. Toward this end, the Second International GC Group convened at National Institutes of Health, Bethesda on June 22nd-23rd 2017. This paper summarizes the main conclusions and recommendations for research priorities to fight this fatal condition.