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Expert Consensus on the Development of Quality Care Measures for Kidney Cancer in Spain

原文:2020年 发布于 Journal of Clinical Oncology 38卷 第15期 浏览量:443 原文链接


归属分类: 所属人体系统: 泌尿 | 分类: 肾癌

关键词: Kidney Cancer Care Quality Consensus


Background: To promote the continuous improvement of kidney cancer healthcare by proposing quality care measures (with respective indicators and standards) for its diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care that can be used by the corresponding professionals and that can be applied across the Spanish healthcare system. Methods: 1. a) Bibliographic review of international research (previous 5 years) on the quality of kidney cancer care; b) Multidisciplinary nominal group (9 oncology experts from the ECO Foundation -Excellence and Quality in Oncology Foundation -and 2 university methodologists -Francisco de Vitoria University Faculty of Medicine) to identify and select possible quality measures that can be applied in Spain; c) Modified Delphi Consensus (two rounds, remotely) by a panel of 55 oncologists subspecialized in kidney cancer, selected by a geographically stratified snowball sample. The ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) /QOPI (Quality Oncology Practice Initiative) model is followed for the drafting of each item: definition of measures, indicators, information sources, exclusions, clarifications, categorization, acceptable standards. Results: The nominal group proposed 43 possible quality measures to the Delphi panel. Consensus participation rate = 84.5% (47 specialists). A unanimous consensus was achieved for 40 quality measures, grouped into the following areas: 4 structural, 33 regarding treatment process and 3 regarding clinical results. Conclusions: The level of consensus among Spanish oncologists subspecialized in kidney cancer on the proposed care measure for the management of said cancer is very high (93%). These results indicate widespread acceptance and applicability of said measures in the Spanish National Healthcare System and, with this in mind, they will henceforth be a valuable tool for the comparative evaluation of the quality and fairness of the oncological care of kidney cancer patients in Spain.