medical guideline

Chinese Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Prostate Cancer 2018

原文:2019年 发布于 中国癌症研究(英文版) 31卷 第1期 67-83 浏览量:327 原文链接

作者: 国家卫生健康委

归属分类: 所属人体系统: 生殖 | 分类: 前列腺肿瘤

关键词: Diagnosis Treatment Prostate Cancer


Prostate cancer is the second most common cause of cancer in males worldwide,and it is the second leading cause of cancer death in American males behind lung cancer.According to data from China National Cancer Registration Institute,prostate cancer has become the most common tumor in male urinary malignancies since 2008.The incidence rate is about 9.80/100,000 in 2014 and ranks the sixth common malignancy in male malignant tumors. The mortality of prostate cancer is 4.22/100,000, and it is the 9th common cause of death in all male malignancies. It is important to note that the incidence of prostate cancer in China varies widely between urban and rural areas, with especially high incidence in large cities. The prevalence in urban and rural areas is 13.57/100,000 and 5.35/100,000, respectively in 2014. With population over 65 years old accounting for more than 10% of the total population in Shanghai, it could be expected that the incidence of prostate cancer would increase dramatically. In addition, the staging varies widely between China and Western developed countries. In China, only 30% of newly diagnosed patients are clinically localized, and the rest are locally advanced or extensively metastatic disease, who have lost the chance of radical treatment with poor prognosis.