medical guideline

French CCAFU Guidelines on Prostate Cancer: Hormone-sensitive Metastatic Prostate Cancer-update 2020

原文:2020年 发布于 Prog Urol 30卷 第8,9期 430-438 浏览量:316 原文链接

Objective: The aim of the Cancerology Committee of the French Association of urology (CCAFU) is to propose an update of the guidelines in the management of hormone-sensitive metastatic prostate cancer.

Methods: A systematic review (Medline) of the literature from 2018 to 2020 was conducted by the CCAFU Findings. Several patterns can be defined at this stage depending on prognostic, metastatic volume, and whether metastases are synchronous or metachronous. Androgenic deprivation therapy (ADT) remains the mainstay of treatment at the metastatic stage. Docetaxel in combination with ADT improves overall survival in synchronous metastatic prostate cancer. In this situation, the combination of ADT with abiraterone is also a standard of care regardless of tumor volume. Recent data have led to the recommendation that ADT should be used in conjunction with a new generation hormone therapy (Apalutamide or Enzalutamide) in metastatic synchronous or metachronous patients, regardless of tumour volume. Local treatment of prostate cancer with radiotherapy improves survival in synchronous oligometastatic patients. Metastases-directed therapy is being evaluated.

Conclusion: This update of the French recommendations should help improve the management of patients with prostate cancer.